How was your week?

Students  have filled up some forms on how do they feel during school breaks for an entire week in order to find the main conflict between them so they can find a solution for it.

Cum te-ai simtit saptamana asta?

Elevii, timp de o saptamana, au completat un chestionar legat de conflictele ce apar intre ei in timpul pauzlor pentru a afla care este cel mai frecvent si sa decida ulterior cum sa rezolve aceste conflicte.

After one week students recorded the results.

Dupa o saptamana, dupa ce au strans chestionarele, elevii au centralizat rezultatele.

After the results they reached to the conclusion that insults are the main conflict between them. They have met and started to find solutions to the conflicts. They have first thought about a solving patrol formed of two or three children walking around the corridors trying to identify potential problems. They have realized that they need a mentor – a teacher – a person who can help them to deal with the conflict – when they have done everything from their side to solve the conflict.

Dupa rezultate, elevii au realizat ca: conflictul cel mai frecvent printre ei este – insulta. Elevii s-au intalnit si au incercat sa gaseasca cele mai bune solutii pentru a face fata conflictelor. Initial s-au gandit la o patrula pentru intampinarea problemelor, formata din doi sau trei elevi care sa se plimbe pe coridoare in timpul pauzelor si sa identifice posibilele conflicte. Elevii au optat pentru ajutorul unui menor – un profesor, care  sa ii ajute in situatiile care nu pot fi controlate de ei, sau cand au epuizat toate incercarile de a rezolva un conflict.

A behaviour agreement was created – ten  steps to follow in order to manage students’ behaviour.

S-a creat un document cu zece pasi de urmat in rezolvarea unui conflict.

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