A space for everyone

Enrichment Is The Result Of Meeting

We are a small public school in Spain with 240 students from 3 to 12 years old (infant and primary levels). We have an excellent Autism Development Program together with a General Development Disorder program that we want to improve with the use of New Technologies.

We looked for balance in our project. The selection process looks for complementarity, interests, similar age of the student and a problem-solving relation based on successful experiences.


Our motivations are:

To share and learn from innovative educative experiences based on student’s diversity and inclusion.

To give to our students the opportunity to know and move through Europe, bringing new cultures to their lives with the purpose of developing tolerance from meeting cultural diversity.

To improve our students’ results on the first foreign language (English) + bilingual subjects through the exposure to real and virtual exchanges (E-Twinning).

To develop in our students Key Competencies through active methodologies.


All these experiences will guide us to improve our teachers’ methodologies and as a consequence our students’ motivation and results.

It will be a conscious process where everybody understands that we must respect differences, reject xenophobic in favour of partnership, generosity and respect for cultural diversity as human enrichment. That is the reason of the title of the project “Enrichment is the result of meeting”.


This KA229 is a real change from memorization to a motivating learning context focussed on active methodologies, using ICT, Art, short term mobilities as a learning tool for pupils, showing empathy, inclusion of special needs, living their difficulties on first person, acquiring new competences for their future working experience. Paying attention to similarities and enriching themselves


Our general objectives are:

  • To internationalized and open our school.
  • To reduce in a 10% the early leaving rate in next 5 years.
  • To improve results on the use of foreign language (L2 and Bilingual subjects).
  • To face cultural diversity and deal with differences from respect.


Our teaching and learning process at school will be enriched with the project because we will work with all the members of our educative community, not only at the class level (students and teachers) but also families and in general all the community.

The project will not be finished in 2022 it will be forever part of the schools. We will use the results of this project to improve our teaching and learning process at school, to create an internationalized educative context with inclusion, diversity and respect as our life motive.


Coordinator:  CEIP Marqueses de Linares (Spain)

Partners: Istituto Comprensivo “Giuseppe Taliercio” (Italy), Scoala Gimnaziala Varias Judet Timis (Romania), 7th Primary School of Xanthi (Greece).

Agencies and services

Participating Organisations

Istituto Comprensivo “Giuseppe Taliercio” de Carrara

Scoala Gimnaziala de Varias

7th Primary School de Xanthi

CEIP Marqueses de Linares

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