P26 Conclusions and Evaluation of the project: Experiences of our participants

We have gathered all the experiences from all the sectors that have been part of the Erasmus+ KA229 ” Enrichment is the result  of meeting” to have real opinions and value the development of the project.

Here, in this photo book you will find the four countries, Greece, Italy, Romania and Spain, and  in each one the opinions of the teachers, school staff, families involved in the mobilities,members of the direction teams and every member of the educative community.

It is a great resource to value the experience and hard work done in this project.

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EL alumnado de los colegios de los países participantes en el proyecto Erasmus + KA 229 ‘Enrichment is the result of meeting’  del CEIP Marqueses de Linares ha participado en su última  movilidad prevista en esta ocasión a nuestra ciudad, Linares.


Students from the schools that take part in the Erasmus + KA 229 ‘Enrichment is the result of meeting’ project of our school CEIP Marqueses de Linares have enjoyed the last mobility of the project to our city, Linares.


El colegio recibió a todos los participantes con unas palabras de bienvenida del director del centro y la coordinadora del proyecto, un concierto donde el alumnado interpretó el himno de Andalucía y bailaron sevillanas, así como el Himno de Europa. El evento fue presentado en inglés por el alumnado del centro así como unas palabras finales por parte del alumnado de movilidades anteriores de nuestro centro de 5º y 6º cuso donde agradecían todo el trabajo e implicación en el protector de cada país participante.


Todo el alumnado del colegio los recibió disfrazados de un país de la Unión Europea, ya que a lo largo del curso escolar el proyecto Erasmus + del cole se ha trabajado de forma interdisciplinar en numerosas áreas y proyectos con el objetivo de que el alumnado realice un aprendizaje más significativo.


The school has prepared a warmed welcome with some words from the principal and the coordinator of the Erasmus project, a concert by the students playing the Andalusian anthem and some students dancing traditional flamenco dancing and the European anthem. The event was guide in English by students from 1st and 2nd grade as well as the final words from some students of 5th and 6th grade with the aim of saying thank you to the countries involved in the project for their hard work.


All the students of the school were dressed like one country from the European Union, this school year the Erasmus project has been the aim of many subjects and projects that allow the students to develop a meaningful learning at the school.

Las actividades llevadas a cabo a lo largo de la semana se han centrado en talleres donde el alumnado y el profesorado pudiera experimentar y conocer de forma practica el uso de los pictogramas bajo el título ‘Let’s break fences together’, el sistema de comunicación Braille, el desarrollo del trabajo diario en un aula TEA así como los recursos que tiene el centro en el aula sensorial.


El profesorado ha desarrollado un programa donde el resto de participantes pueda vivir en primera persona las dificultades diarias y guiarlos a través de un aprendizaje reflexivo.



The activities along the week were focused on workshops for students and teachers where they can experience and know the practical use of pictograms under the title ‘Let’s break fences together’, Braille as a communication system, the real development of a daily life in a autism class and all the resources that the school has in the sensitive class.


The inclusion team have developed a working program so they can face daily difficulties and live real situations that will guide them through a learning and reflective process.

Todos los participantes realizaron visitas al patrimonio cultural de la ciudad de Linares apreciando el valor de Cástulo nombrado descubrimiento del 2012 por National Geographic. Así como al museo minero de la ciudad para dar a conocer nuestro importante pasado minero y otros puntos de interés como la plaza de toros, el Paseo y las calles de nuestra ciudad.



All the participants also visited the cultural heritage of Linares city valuing the discovery of Cástulo mosaic as discovery of 2012 by National Geographic.  They also visited our miner museum as part of the mining past of our city and some other interesting buildings such as the bullring or the Paseo and the streets of our city.


Tuvimos una recepción el el ayuntamiento con el Alcalde, Javier Perales, la concejala de educación Sheila Carmona,  así como otros miembros de la corporación local junto con el diputado Luis Camona, donde pusieron el valor la experiencia y el proyecto tanto para nuestro centro como para los estudiantes e incluso la ciudad.


We also have a reception at the town hall with the mayor, the council of education and a Deputy representative so they could value the experience and the project for the school, our students and the city.

Los estudiantes se dividieron en grupos cooperativos de diferentes nacionalidades para que pudieran interactuar con el resto de participantes junto con el alumnado de 5º y 6º del centro. De esta forma han puesto en práctica el uso del idioma extranjero en numerosos contextos, valorando las oportunidades que les ha brindado el proyecto Erasmus al alumnado.


Students have been divided in cooperative groups of different nationalities so they could interact with the rest of the participants together with students from 5th and 6th grade of the school.  Students have practiced the English language in several contexts, valuing the opportunities that this Erasmus project has given to them.

Desde el CEIP Marqueses de Linares valoramos de forma muy positiva el desarrollo de esta actividad enmarcada en el proyecto Erasmus del centro así como el esfuerzo realizado por todo el profesorado para su desarrollo.


From the CEIP Marqueses de Linares School we positively value the development of this activity being part of the Erasmus+ project of the school as well as the great effort done by the teachers of the school to carry out all the activities along the week.

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Live under my skin: Be like me





In the activity P24 al the schools have worked
on inclusion and diversity. Students have been part of activities under the
title “Live under my skin: Be like me”. The Spanish school has Autism
Development Program together with a General Development Disorder program, they
will provide materials.

Students have being conscious of the
difficulties of disabled people.

They have known how blind people manage to
move around or how they managed to read using the Braille alphabet.


We have used videos to show students how
pupils with autism can hear sounds very loudly and what is normal for us will
be disturbing for them (voice level at class when working with will help them
to know how they will behave under their circumstances).


All the schools have looked for braille adaptations
and pictograms in their cities and have taken photos of them

They have also written some conclusions about
these adaptations that have being gather together in this digital book.

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El alumnado del CEIP Marqueses de Linares de 5º y 6º curso de Primaria ha participado en la movilidad C4 a la ciudad de Carrara en Italia dentro del proyecto Erasmus+ KA229 “Enrichment is the result of meeting”


Students from CEIP Marqueses of Linares school of 5th and 6th grade has participated in the mobility C4 to Carrara (Italy) thanks to the Erasmus + KA229 project of the school Enrichment is the result of meeting.

Tuvimos una bienvenida muy calurosa con un concierto de música y canciones de los coros del colegio italiano.

We had a wonderful welcome with the music of the orchestra form the Italian school and some students from the choir.

A lo largo de la semana los estudiantes han formado parte de actividades muy dinámicas y manipulativas que le han permitido un aprendizaje a través de metodologías activas muy significativo.

During this week students have been involved in active activities that allow them to learn through active methodologies developing a meaningful learning.


El alumnado ha llevado a cabo actividades de programación con scratch, actividades de orientación, una búsqueda del tesoro con código QR y talleres de máscaras.

Students have developed activities related to scratch programming, Educational games (Getting to know each other better through playing), QR Treasure Hunt and Workshop: Traveling around Europe with masks.

También hemos realizado visitas a la ciudad de Marina di Carrara, Carrara donde conocimos a la alcaldesa de la ciudad,  un tour por las famosas canteras de mármol de Carrara o la magnífica ciudad d Florencia.


They also have visited the city of Marina di Carrara, Carrara where we met the major, a tour in the famous marble quarries of Carrara and the magnificent city of Florence.

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Photograph Contest About diversity A20 / Concurso fotográfico sobre diversidad A20

In this activity from the Erasmus project KA229 Enrichment is the result of meeting from CEIP Marqueses de Linares, students, teachers and families have participated in the photo contest about diversity, with pictures that show the diversity and the inclusion from their point of views.

En esta actividad del proyecto Erasmus KA229 Enrichment is the result of meeting del CEIP Marqueses de Linares, alumnado, profesorado y familias han participado en el concurso fotográfico sobre diversidad con sus fotografías que muestran en concepto de diversidad e inclusión desde sus puntos de vista.

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Spanish local media Exposition ‘Wear my shoes’ November 2022 / Prensa de la Exposi

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