Social diversity: solving conflicts.

How was your week??

Our students have investigated the main conflicts they have found during a week at the school break. From 3 to 6 years old they have recorded how they felt according to a color face system and from 7 to 12 years old they have tick the type of conflict they found.

Then the students from 6th grade have done a data revision checking the main conflicts. And after it they have done proposals to solve them. They have created ten rules to help students to solve conflicts using an simple graphic desing software called Canva. Also rules to deal with a conflict and relax themselves.


They also have design a friendship bench to sit down in case a student need help or someone to talk and they have organize mentor patrols in the break grounds to walk around and help among students to solve conflict and show them how to relax themselves with their new steps.

These documents included in the Educative Project of the school, so we will have a reference of misbehavior problems created by our students will help to create the tolerance and respect school that we looking for.


Nuestro alumnado ha realizado una investigación de los conflictos más comunes que han encontrado en el recreo durante una semana. Desde infantil hasta segundo de primaria los han mostrado con un sistema de caritas de colores y desde tercero a sexto han recogido los más comunes.

Después el alumnado de sexto ha hecho una revisión de los conflictos que más se repetían ya han hecho propuestas para resolverlos. Han creado un decálogo para ayudar al resto de alumnos y a ellos mismos a resolverlos usando un sofware sencillo de diseño gráfico conocidocomo Canva. Pero también pasos para relajarse y tranquilizarse en momentos de nerviosismo.


Han diseñado un banco de la amistad al que acudir  en caso de necesitar ayuda o hablar con alguien y han organizado patrullas de mentores durante los recreos para ayudar a los demás compañeros a resolver los conflictos de forma pacífica y a tranquilizarse con los pasos que ellos mismos han diseñado.

Estos documentos han sido incluidos en el Proyecto Educativo del centro, con referencia a problemas de conducta creados por el alumnado y nos ayudan a crear el ambiente de tolerancia y respeto en el colegio que perseguimos en el centro.

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Giuseppe Taliercio Institute is in Marina di Carrara, a district of Carrara municipality set in a lovely landscape whose frame is made up of the Apuan Alps at the back and the Tyrrhenian sea at the front, there are about 62.000 residents living in the area.


Carrara is well-known all over the world for its marble quarries, especially white marble, which drew a lot of important artists like Michelangelo to come and work here.


The school provides education at different levels

  • Kindergarten “Lunense” (3 to 6 Yrs)
  • Nursery school “Giampaoli” (3 to 6 Yrs)
  • Primary school “Doganella” ( 6 to 10 Yrs)
  • Primary school“A.M. Menconi” (6 to 10 Yrs)
  • Primary school “Giromini”(6 to 10 Yrs)
  • Lower secondary school  “Taliercio” (11 to 13 Yrs)

In our school there are 800 students and  100 teachers. The students’ families are of different social classes but in  a wide percentage of them both parents are employed and cultured.

There is a small number of foreign pupils: our school looks after them to promote integration through  welcoming occasions and specific educational paths; among the student community there are a lot of pupils with Special Needs: during the years we have been working for them to set welcoming and integration procedures so as to become a really inclusive school.


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