Logo questionnaire international results



As you all know the first activity of the Erasmus projects was the design of the logo. After the local design we had a contest with the four international logos.

We have already published the final logo result bit as part of the evaluation and quality process of the project we are going to show you the official results of the logo and the number of votes.

So as a conclusion the Spanish logo has been the one chosen from all the participants as the official logo of the Erasmus + KA 229 ‘Enrichment is the result of meeting’

Congratulations to all the participants.





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Innitial questionnaire

It is important to begin the Erasmus project knowing the initial stage of knowledge of our participants. The main objective is to measure the impact of our project among the educative communities that are involved in the project.

In this project under the title of ‘Enrichment is the result of meeting’ we decided in the initial coordination meeting to develop an initial questionnaire in order to know the exact departure situation.

This questionnaire was sent to the students, teachers and members of the educative community with five different questions.

The schools involved in the project have different contexts so with the objective of evaluate their initial contexts the questions were the following ones:

  • Do you know what an Erasmus project is?
  • What can we do in an Erasmus project?
  • To internationalized the school means…
  • Who can take part in an Erasmus project?
  • To be part of an Erasmus project I have to…

As you will see in the answers depending on the previous experience of the schools on Erasmus projects the answers will show us their previous knowledge dealing with this type of projects.

It is valuable information to measure the positive impact of Erasmus + in our schools and educative communities.

Here you can observe the different answers and the percentage.





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New Erasmus + at CEIP Marqueses de Linares

Welcome to our official project web page.

Here you will find official information from our Erasmus+KA229 project.

We are happy to remember that on October 2020 the Erasmus project of our school ‘CEIP Marqueses de Linares’ was published under the list of financed projects by SEPIE (National Agency of Spain for the internationalization of Education).

Our students will be involved in an Erasmus + KA229 under the title ‘Enrichment is the result of meeting’.

With this project we begin our way to Europe offering to our students’ new learning opportunities and motivated educative contexts working together with schools from Italy, Romania and Greece.

You can meet our partners from Europe in the different flags at home section of this web that will guide you to their official web pages.

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